1. *What is M.C. Pipwala?* – M.C. Pipwala, also known as Mulchanddas Chhaganlal Pipwala, is a leading supplier of various industrial products. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality products and exceptional customer service.
If your order is shipped by Air mode then it will take around 2-3 days and if your order is shipped by surface then it will take 3 to 5 days once shipped depending upon your location. This timeline is just an estimation and actual delivery dates vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location and the items you order. When we use independent carriers to deliver orders, we base the estimated delivery dates upon information provided to us by the independent carriers. We cannot determine your exact delivery time, but we can tell you if your order has been shipped, and whether or not there are any problems with it that have been reported to us that could delay delivery. To check the delivery status of your order, visit the order status page after login. For more specific delivery details, please refer to your order.
For your security and protection, it’s best to have someone available to sign for your order between the hours of 10:00 am and 7:00 pm, Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays. It is better to contact regional courier office for obtaining delivery time.
At the time of placing an order, if you want to exclude any particular timeline for your absence, please mention the same in order comment section. Do note that we will make best effort as a part of our customer satisfaction policy but it will not be guaranteed due to operational constrain. If you forgot to enter the said comments then make sure that you send an email to us in this regard before your order is dispatched.
In the event on above mentioned circumstances, please make sure to contact us by phone or email immediately before the order is dispatched. In the event when order is already dispatched, it will be difficult to rectify the same.
At present while placing an order, you can enter only one address so kindly enter Delivery Address only. Mail us if you want bill on different name, we will send you soft copy.
If you don’t receive your order by 7:00 pm on the estimated delivery date, kindly revert with your order id and we will follow up with courier partner.
First check your order and shipment confirmation emails to determine if your missing item is scheduled to ship separately. If you’re missing item was scheduled to arrive with other items, but was missing, please Contact Customer Service for assistance.